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Our Story

Ao Nang Elephant Sanctuary

trust in experience

Our background

Our sanctuary has shifted our focus to a new goal, and we’re off to a great start! During the pandemic’s two years, we had the opportunity to learn more about our elephants, their history, and their behavior. Before we get started, I’d like to remind you that our new mission is to provide new opportunities for all elephants in need, and we’ll do everything we can to help. 

It’s possible that we won’t be able to purchase the elephants right away. However, we now see a new means of ensuring that they have a decent life.

A small elephant sanctuary in Krabi

Exploring an elephant sanctuary offers an exceptional and lasting encounter, fostering a profound appreciation and insight into the world of these majestic creatures.

Our sanctuary provides an informative tour, allowing guests to engage with the elephants directly while simultaneously contributing to the crucial mission of preserving elephant populations and safeguarding these gentle giants for generations to come.

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Mor about elephants

Our Blogs

Tourism is a great way to support elephant sanctuaries as the income generated from visitors can help cover the costs of food, veterinary care, and other expenses. Some of the activities that visitors can expect to experience during a tour of an elephant sanctuary

Travel in Thailand: A Guide to Ethical Elephant Preserves

In the heart of Thailand’s lush landscapes lies a hidden gem for wildlife enthusiasts and ethical travelers alike: the Aonang Elephant Sanctuary. This elephant preserve is not just a place to witness the majestic beauty of elephants up close but a testament to the possibilities of ethical tourism and wildlife conservation. A visit to Aonang Elephant Sanctuary offers an unparalleled opportunity to engage with these magnificent creatures in a respectful and meaningful way, ensuring their welfare and survival for future generations.

Aonang Elephant Sanctuary stands as a beacon of hope in the fight for elephant conservation in Thailand. Nestled amidst the breathtaking natural beauty of Aonang, this sanctuary offers a haven for rescued elephants, providing them with the care, love, and freedom they deserve. Unlike traditional tourist attractions that exploit elephants for entertainment, Aonang Elephant Sanctuary prioritizes the well-being of its residents, offering a model for ethical elephant tourism that respects the dignity and natural behavior of these gentle giants.

The Importance of Ethical Tourism

The concept of ethical tourism has gained momentum in recent years, with travelers becoming increasingly aware of the impact their choices have on wildlife and local communities. Ethical tourism emphasizes the importance of responsible travel practices that contribute positively to the conservation of natural habitats and the welfare of animals.

Understanding Ethical Elephant Tourism

Ethical elephant tourism involves engaging with elephants in a manner that does not exploit or harm them. This means no riding, no tricks, and no unnatural activities. Instead, visitors to Aonang Elephant Sanctuary can expect to observe and interact with elephants in ways that respect their natural behaviors, such as feeding, bathing, and walking alongside them in their natural habitat.

The Impact of Your Visit to Elephant Preserve

By choosing to visit an ethical elephant preserve like Aonang Elephant Sanctuary, you are directly contributing to the welfare of the elephants and supporting broader conservation efforts. The sanctuary uses proceeds from visits to fund rescue missions, provide medical care for elephants, and maintain the sanctuary grounds, ensuring a safe and natural environment for the elephants to thrive.

Daily Life of the Elephants

At Aonang Elephant Sanctuary, the daily life of each elephant is a stark contrast to their previous lives in captivity. Freed from chains and hard labor, they now roam vast natural enclosures, bathe in clean ponds, and socialize with other elephants — behaviors essential to their physical and psychological well-being. The sanctuary’s approach to care is holistic, focusing on nutrition, socialization, and mental stimulation, ensuring that these majestic animals can live as naturally as possible.

Supporting Conservation Efforts

The commitment of Aonang Elephant Sanctuary to elephant welfare extends beyond the immediate care of its residents. It plays a crucial role in broader conservation efforts, aiming to secure a future where elephants can thrive in the wild. The sanctuary’s approach to conservation is multifaceted, involving education, rehabilitation, and active participation in the global dialogue on wildlife protection.

How Your Visit Helps

Your visit to the sanctuary isn’t just about the experience; it’s a direct contribution to the welfare of the elephants and the sustainability of conservation efforts. The funds raised through tourism help in various ways:

Best Time to Visit Elephant Preserve

Timing your visit to Elephant Preserve can greatly enhance your experience. The dry season, from November to February, offers cooler temperatures and less rainfall, making it ideal for spending time outdoors with the elephants. However, the lush green scenery following the rainy season also offers a unique backdrop for your visit, showcasing Thailand’s natural beauty at its peak.

A Day at Aonang Elephant Sanctuary

To give you a deeper understanding of what a visit to the sanctuary entails, let’s walk through a typical day:

What to Bring to Elephant Preserve

Preparation extends to what you pack. Essential items in This Elephant Preserve include:


A visit to Aonang Elephant Sanctuary is more than just an opportunity to see elephants up close; it’s a chance to be part of a larger movement towards ethical tourism and wildlife conservation. By choosing to support sanctuaries that prioritize animal welfare and conservation, visitors play a crucial role in shaping a future where humans and elephants coexist in respect and harmony.

As we reflect on the majestic beauty and gentle nature of these incredible beings, let us commit to actions that ensure their survival and well-being. Aonang Elephant Sanctuary stands as a beacon of hope and a model for ethical interaction with elephants, offering a glimpse into a world where conservation and tourism can work hand in hand for the benefit of all.

In closing, remember that each visit, each donation, and each voice raised in support of ethical elephant conservation makes a difference. Together, we can ensure that elephants continue to thrive in their natural habitats, respected and protected for generations to come

Frequently asked questions

What is ethical elephant tourism?

Ethical elephant tourism refers to responsible travel practices that prioritize the welfare and natural behavior of elephants. It involves interactions that do not harm or exploit elephants, such as observing them in their natural habitat, participating in feeding and bathing activities under supervision, and learning about elephant conservation without riding or performing shows.

Can visitors interact with the elephants at Aonang Elephant Sanctuary?

Yes, visitors can interact with the elephants in a respectful and controlled manner. Activities include feeding, bathing the elephants with the guidance of the sanctuary staff, and walking alongside them in their natural habitat. These interactions are designed to be enjoyable and educational for both the visitors and the elephants, without causing stress or harm to the animals.

How does visiting Aonang Elephant Sanctuary support elephant conservation?

Visiting Aonang Elephant Sanctuary directly supports elephant conservation efforts. The funds raised from visitor fees contribute to the rescue, rehabilitation, and care of elephants who have been rescued from exploitation or abuse. Additionally, the sanctuary invests in community education and conservation projects to promote the protection of elephants in Thailand and beyond.

What should visitors expect during their visit to the sanctuary?

Visitors should expect an educational and immersive experience that includes learning about the lives of elephants, the challenges they face in the wild and captivity, and the importance of conservation. Guests will have the opportunity to observe the elephants in a natural setting, participate in ethical interaction activities, and possibly even meet and learn from the caretakers and conservation experts.

Are there any rules or guidelines visitors must follow at the sanctuary?

Yes, the sanctuary has established rules and guidelines to ensure the safety and well-being of both the elephants and visitors. These include not feeding the elephants without supervision, keeping a respectful distance from the animals unless instructed otherwise, not using flash photography, and following all instructions provided by the sanctuary staff. These guidelines are in place to protect the elephants and ensure a positive experience for everyone involved.

What is the best time to visit Aonang Elephant Sanctuary?

The best time to visit the sanctuary is during the cooler months from November to February, when the weather is more pleasant for both visitors and elephants. However, the sanctuary is open year-round, and each season offers a unique experience. It’s recommended to check the weather and the sanctuary’s schedule in advance.

How can visitors prepare for their visit to the elephant sanctuary?

Visitors should wear comfortable clothing and shoes suitable for outdoor activities, bring eco-friendly insect repellent and sunscreen, and carry a refillable water bottle. It’s also advisable to bring a camera (without flash) to capture the experience, although visitors should always be mindful of the elephants’ comfort and the sanctuary’s photography policies.

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